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ag eekeiae nn yp ee eee eae ee Leste OL DA NOVAC ANTIKE i SREDNJEG VEKA + NOTAFILUA MODERNI NOVAC + MEDALJARSIVO + FALERISTIKA = pada se pamene numiznniuika obicno se misli na Roleksionate K nove problust! i naveu buduenosti, Prvi put u istorii noved die alas moZemo govoriti o novcu buulucnostl. Ret je naravno o nowce Evropske monetarne unije, Pocetkom treceg milenijuma, tacnije redeno od 2002, godine 2a sada jedanest zemula Evrope uvoxli 2a jednicku monet “ERO”. Za potetak treba reci Koje st to zemle ‘Belgiia, Nemackl, Spuniia, Fancusta, lska, talja, Luksembung, Hor lavclifs, Austil, Portaigal i Fins Posmatrano sk ne sano naseg VU aspekta nece vise biti ne: mackih maak, austskog sling, francuskog fu Dosadasnje emiiovanje novel orl st Jeza soho aileedene atribute kao npe “jedan od dakage drdnog suvereniieti | nezavisnosti je i emitovanje sopstwenoy novi Uvodenjem “Fura” uv promet Feancuskt nece bith manje nezavisnat niti Ceniemac bil man nemac negn sto jeste, Ni jedma oe gore te vedlenth aleztva nece biti time ugcuder nil Ge ayjena nezavisnest biti na ile koji nacho okrojena st jos nainje talozena “tekovinju nes foriatel ja sa strane Mnogo tows jevee uradeno, ali mnogo toga tre period od cr gadline kalika je vremena preostal, One st se zea wavom tenuis to fe da je predvidteno enn: lovanje asa novcies raaligiul demousimelia od 1 cents de Ld Kal je spectiaina Komisija Uniie ustanovila da prisustvo ‘ikla e! novew kad! gradana koji €e tha rowcem manipulisatl moze zazvall cdredene alerije ta ¢e-veroxauia apoeni bite uradent od svedskog stibstituts poznatog kyo "nordisko zlate’ Bok se naveden! merall spituju komemonuivnd EURO se vee Uuveliko pojaviiuje cab i van zemalfa chunica Unije we adekvatnu medifsku kampanju, stiéué! take veliiu papularnose ne samomedu, pusnieenatiCarin. Medu previma su , Svedska, Portugal Sepembra 1997, godiite u Turskoj su odrizane .PRVE SVETSKE IGRE U VAZDUHU" (THE FIRST’ WORLT) AIR GAMES") uz uceséec 4,000 takmigara fz 75 zemalfs, koji su se taksmicili w 17 discipla Tim povedom Finska je emitovala ¢ak 17 novtiGuad 34 10EURA: 1d jo8 uradliti2a UIRO emitovali: Francusiea, Belaija, Luksem- by dinar esis 1988 A nog ofthe tied ile um, fo be mote precite fomtho your 2002, eleven European eoun- ties ~ Bolglum, Goimany, Spein, France, Irolond, aly, Luksemburgh, Nithoilands, Austia, Portugal and Finland = ore going to inkedue the join cwiteney = EURO. As fer asthe Yugoslovs ore concerned there would bbe pa more Doulsch Marks, Austin Schillings, French Franc... Evto was first Issued in France, Belgium, Luxemburg, Sweden, ond Perlugal.. It September 1997, there were The Fits! World Air Gomes ‘ganised in Turkey, where 4,000 competitors from 75 different cou tries took part in 17 different disc plies. On this aecosion Finland issued 17 bank notes of 5 and 10 Euto poles. The fren ide (picture 1] looks the some ot oll he bork notes representing the picture of ho Beste ing machine designed by Leones doVinchi, obove it theres he ea = EEA (42925 Proof 27 gr pret $1 mm) i$ EURA (bakar. sik bimetal 23 gr. precnik 38,91 mm) Revers (slfka 1) kod svih novice je isti i predstavljen je siilizovan cried prve leteGe mt Sine Leonarda da Vineija. lznad je prvi avion, a desno balon u ler [spod same korpe balona natpis “RAI (FEDERATION AERONAUTIQUE INTERNA TIONALE) sto je inatpis poobo- dunovdida Aversi (Slik: 2) su predstan« Jjeni sa disciplinama Yazdusei igara, ispodkojih je 92s nominal, a okolu natpis nazi discipling, godina oddavanja i twkst “1st, WORLD AIR GAM TURKEY’, Ispod! stme oznake nominale je nav dedave *PIN- LAND’, Dasve nie akojednostarno i da je porrehno odredeno vie ne dorealizaciiesvedede imine. i problem koji se moraju resi do 2002. godine, Tako npr. uw sklopu ttabife kaw punoprnnes lana EMU nafaal se i Vatikan so samostalna dréavan kojo) je Jegalno sredstvo placanja lita. Milind wervilea Rinso-katolie- ‘ke crkveje pod jurisdikeljom pa- pe i Sveta stoliea mors bitt spremna na promene hilo uz fal ili pak samestalne preko institucija EU, S obzisom da si pape kovale svoj nowac jos od sredine VIII veka, ca je lea 2a- konsko-sredstvo plaganga samo 108 godina a da je Svetoj stalici kordatom iz 1929. godine Sika 2 gurmovan status: suverenog driave ne bi ianenadilo ikan obiesvo) sopsiwent EURO, 1 meduvremenu Holaadija jeemitencla 3noveiea FLIRO po vodom Samita Lvrope v Amster dann, juna 1997, godine ito: 50 EURA (Ag 935 Proof 38 mm), 20 TURA Gg 804 Proof 35 mm) 15 EURA (legura bakarnikl 33 mm). ‘Kod! sve 171 nominale avers revers su isti izuzev onnake vvrecinosti (ike 3) Aver: stilizovan golub mita sa mastinovom granticom w telu goluba oznaka ; ispod - velikim slovt plane ond a fying boloen is in the right. Under the very baloon basket there is ¢ title of ‘FAI’ Asronaviique Inlernationclel, the ‘same fille is written ot the rim of « bak ederction note The font side is reprasenied by she disciplines of Aic Gomes under which there is a nomincl sign, sure rounded by the tiles of disciplines, the: yaar ond tho follwing text 1st ‘WORLD AIR GAMES TURKEY. Under the very nominal ign there is nama of e county: 'Fnlond’. However itis not ao simple, os it looks al the fst sight, becouse thora ‘re many problems thot have to be salvod ll ho yoot 2002, In aly, os cen aqual mamber of EMU [Evopaon ‘Monetary Union) there is Vatican, ov ‘en indopendent state in-which the Jag curoncy i lo lie, Mion ‘of Roman Caholis under the jurisdic tion ef he pon and tha Hely Cheit ‘self Have tok prepara for changes ‘heros a parte aly or as an indo pondont state through the EC insitu- tions. Heving in mind the fae thot pon- ills mintod their own coins sine the silo of tho Bh century thal raison official purchase money for only 108 years now and that The Holy Choir was guaranleed the sovereign status bya Concardate from 1929, would rot surprise us Vatican gts sown Euro. In tho meantine, the Nether lands minted three Euro coins on the occasion of he European Mecling in Amsterdony in Jone 1997: + 50 EURO Ag 925 Froof 38 mm + 20 EURO Ag 800 roel + 5 Euro coppersickel alloy 33 mm Ginereenses900

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