Identity & Culture Fiction Audiobooks

Fiction that explores issues of race, gender, culture, and identity gives us all an insider’s view on a range of human experiences, intimate relationships, and diverse cultures. Identity and culture fiction audiobooks help us understand and, perhaps most importantly, see ourselves reflected in stories. Listen to a range of fascinating fiction that poignantly highlights identity and belonging.

Fiction that explores issues of race, gender, culture, and identity gives us all an insider’s view on a range of human experiences, intimate relationships, and diverse cultures. Identity and culture fiction audiobooks help us understand and, perhaps most importantly, see ourselves reflected in stories. Listen to a range of fascinating fiction that poignantly highlights identity and belonging.


We're shining a light on the hottest new releases and binge-worthy audiobooks you don't want to miss.
Flores and Miss Paula: A Novel
Flores and Miss Paula: A Novel
Flores and Miss Paula: A Novel
Flores and Miss Paula: A Novel

Flores and Miss Paula: A Novel

byMelissa Rivero

A Recommended Book From: The Washington Post * Today * Sunset Magazine * Country Living * Good Housekeeping  A wry, tender novel about a Peruvian immigrant mother and a millennial daughter who have one final chance to find common ground Thirtysomething Flores and her mother, Paula, still live in the same Brooklyn apartment, but that may be the only thing they have in common. It’s been nearly three years since they lost beloved husband and father Martín, who had always been the bridge between them. One day, cleaning beneath his urn, Flores discovers a note written in her mother’s handwriting: Perdóname si te falle. Recuerda que siempre te quise. (“Forgive me if I failed you. Remember that I always loved you.”) But what would Paula need forgiveness for? Now newfound doubts and old memories come flooding in, complicating each woman’s efforts to carve out a good life for herself—and to support the other in the same. Paula thinks Flores should spend her evenings meeting a future husband, not crunching numbers for a floundering aquarium startup. Flores wishes Paula would ask for a raise at her DollaBills retail job, or at least find a best friend who isn’t a married man. When Flores and Paula learn they will be forced to move, they must finally confront their complicated past—and decide whether they share the same dreams for the future. Spirited and warm-hearted, Melissa Rivero’s new novel showcases the complexities of the mother-daughter bond with fresh insight and empathy.

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About Identity & Culture Fiction

Expand your worldview by listening to engaging narrators’ stories that reflect a diversity of perspectives. Identity and culture fiction audiobooks bring worlds and experiences outside the dominant culture alive for the listener. We know that people like to see themselves reflected in the pages of books be they bestsellers, literary fiction, historical accounts or graphic novels, but everyone benefits from exposure to a broader variety of stories. Whether books are international or local writers, these captivating audiobooks will appeal to readers of all kinds. Find some of the best African American, Hispanic and Latino, Asian American and Native American books. There’s no shortage of novels and books exploring the Black experience in America so take a listen to moving speeches and lectures by African American icon James Baldwin himself or recent fiction by African American women. Hear the voices of Native American narrators telling ancestral stories and current struggles and journeys. Explore the vast collection of Asian audiobooks or listen to audio adaptations of Chilean author Isabelle Allende’s many novels. Check out books and novels on hot button identity issues such a race, feminism and transracial adoption. Go ahead, enter a fascinating world beyond your own.

Expand your worldview by listening to engaging narrators’ stories that reflect a diversity of perspectives. Identity and culture fiction audiobooks bring worlds and experiences outside the dominant culture alive for the listener. We know that people like to see themselves reflected in the pages of books be they bestsellers, literary fiction, historical accounts or graphic novels, but everyone benefits from exposure to a broader variety of stories. Whether books are international or local writers, these captivating audiobooks will appeal to readers of all kinds. Find some of the best African American, Hispanic and Latino, Asian American and Native American books. There’s no shortage of novels and books exploring the Black experience in America so take a listen to moving speeches and lectures by African American icon James Baldwin himself or recent fiction by African American women. Hear the voices of Native American narrators telling ancestral stories and current struggles and journeys. Explore the vast collection of Asian audiobooks or listen to audio adaptations of Chilean author Isabelle Allende’s many novels. Check out books and novels on hot button identity issues such a race, feminism and transracial adoption. Go ahead, enter a fascinating world beyond your own.